Dropping pebbles of thought into our conservative echo-chamber

Posts tagged ‘lies’

Rush Was Wrong

Listening to Rush during my drive today (I like Rush, but I was really waiting for Dana Loesch to come on afterward), I heard him say something peculiar.

Rush is usually right, but not today.

He was addressing a caller who was wondering why one of Romney’s campaign managers could be so inept as to bring up Romneycare in response to the crazy Joe Soptic advertisement.  That response, of course, was about as incompetent as it was possible for it to be.   This led Rush to diagnose the difference between the Democrats and Republicans.

Rush hypothesized that the Democrats were made up of tons of small special interest groups that clashed with each other usually, but all agreed that they had to beat us.  He further went on to say that we did not come together as Republicans in the same way.

There is something to that, but it’s still wrong.

None of us wants to see Barack Obama re-elected, for sure.  We’d gladly put aside any differences between us to defeat him.

No, Rush…  The problem with the establishment Republicans is that the old guard still has the nonsensical idea in their head that they can actually be friends with the Democrats.

When Harry Reid took to the Senate floor with outright lies about Mitt Romney not paying any taxes at all for ten years, I actually saw Lindsey Graham say that he liked Reid, but that Reid just wasn’t being truthful.

And Rush…  That is the problem, right there.

Mr. Graham, I can guarantee you one thing.  Harry Reid does NOT like you.  Harry Reid hates the very air you breathe.  And if he was ever nice to you at any point, it wasn’t genuine.  He’ll only pretend long enough to get as close to you as he can before he sticks a knife in your back.

Younger Republicans and Tea Party members understand this truth, and that is where the disconnect lies within our coalition.

Mitt Romney showed some glimmer of understanding this when he refused to play along with Democrat shell games and release even more of his tax returns, but his campaign staff certainly doesn’t get it at all, and the establishment itself is clueless.

They still think they can all get along and hold hands singing Kum-baya.

That will NEVER happen, and it’s time they realized it.  The Democrats are playing hardball 24/7/365 and if we don’t go for their throats, they WILL get to ours.

We’ll lose.

Our best hope is that Romney nominates a Vice Presidential candidate that understands a truth that Romney himself has so far failed to grasp.

There are no “gentleman’s rules” in modern politics.

This is war.

Should I Feel Sorry?

Joe Soptic lost his wife to cancer.  I felt bad for him.

Joe Soptic

Now I don’t.

Maybe I am wrong for saying so, but I really don’t feel much sympathy for him anymore.

The only person I feel sorry for in all of this mess is his wife.

Cancer is an ugly thing, and it takes the lives of far too many people.  The difference between Soptic and other survivors of those lost to that horrible condition is that they don’t run around blaming others for the sum of all of their woes, much less specific people.

In what represents a new low in modern American politics, the Obama campaign has coordinated with one of its super-PACs to create one of the most heinous pieces of propaganda that I have ever personally witnessed.

In most circles (even most liberal circles) this ad has been rightfully scorned.  But even within the past hour, I witnessed Donna Gentile O’Donnell, advisor to Democrat Senator Bob Casey of Pennsylvania, actually come out to defend the ad, saying that it was appropriate and did not cross a line.

What’s worse is that I couldn’t tell if she was lying, or if she really believed what she said.

Either way, it is a sad indictment of the current state of American politics that anyone like her could come anywhere near a position of political power.

I’d feel a lot more sympathetic to Soptic being used as a tool for people like O’Donnell and Stephanie Cutter (Obama’s Deputy Campaign Manager, and coordinator of these attack ads), except that he is a completely willing tool.  A tool in every sense of the word.

Instead of condemning Mitt Romney and blaming him for the death of his wife, Soptic ought to be out singing Romney’s praises.  The steel mill where Soptic worked was in a death spiral, and set to close down, when Bain Capital purchased a controlling interest in it.  If anything, Romney provided Soptic with several years of employment that he otherwise would not have had.

Romney had stepped down from an active role in Bain Capital a full two years before GST issued layoffs and closed that mill, and a full seven years before Soptic’s wife became ill and was diagnosed with stage four cancer.  Ironically, since Romney’s departure, Bain has been run by Obama bundlers and supporters of the very people currently using Soptic for their own political gain.

And what of Soptic’s union?  When Soptic was layed-off, did they not have any responsibility to him?  Or, were they just interested in him when he was still able to pay union dues?

This whole episode is just disgusting, and it shows how filthy and low Obama and the Democrats really are.

So much for “Hope and Change”.

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