Dropping pebbles of thought into our conservative echo-chamber

Posts tagged ‘Harry Reid’

Crazy Uncle Joe Strikes Again!

Vice President Joe Biden is a walking, talking gaffe machine on steroids.

Liberals love “Uncle Joe”.

The President of our Senate literally does nothing more than run around the country saying stupid things.  That is his entire job, and he does it well.

For the life of me, I can not think of a single thing that this man has accomplished in his entire career.  And no, liberals, managing to get himself re-elected to the Senate a number of times doesn’t count as an accomplishment, as much as you may think that getting elected is all that matters.

I’m beginning to think that Obama may indeed be a brilliant strategist.  He knew that his policies would go over like a stone for most people, and he needed insurance against getting impeached.

Enter Joe Biden.

No one wants to see that guy become President of anything.

That the media consistently sweeps under the rug the rantings of good old “Uncle Joe” is proof enough of their extreme bias.  But Biden’s latest trip into brain-addled psychedelia crosses lines, even for him.

In front of a small crowd in North Carolina, Biden made some of the most heinous remarks I’ve heard yet, and I hope that at least some people in the media call him out for them.  I’m not even going to quote him.  You really just need to watch it for yourself.  It’s short.


I’m not even sure to start with this one, but I may actually be more frightened of the people fawning in the background with their glassy eyes and painted smiles, dutifully and mechanically slapping their hands together in response to a statement that anyone with even a modicum of intelligence would reject instantly.

The fact that Joe Biden feels comfortable enough to bring up Paul Ryan’s deceased father says it all.  He knows he won’t be called on it, despicable as it may be.  Ryan’s father died when he was fifteen years old.  That should be off-limits for any politician.  But the Democrats have no class whatsoever, and the double-standard in play allows them to get personal in the ugliest of ways, while the media happily goes along with their narrative that Republicans are equally ugly for daring to talk about the actual policies of this president.

But “Show me your budget”..?

Really, Joe..?!

How insane is that?

So, by your own standards, Joe, since you have no budget, you have no values at all..?

That one I can buy.

Even assuming that Biden had anything at all to do with the Obama budget proposals, which is unlikely, those budgets failed to get a single vote even from Democrats in the Senate, much less Republicans.  Given the disastrous end to his budget proposals, Obama might actually be considering giving Biden the credit for them.

Biden, as President of the Senate, has not seen a budget passed in three years, despite the fact that the Constitution requires one to be passed.  Apart from Obama’s laughable efforts, the Democrats haven’t even bothered to propose a budget, at all.

But Paul Ryan has, and the Democrats are terrified of it.

Did the Democrats work with Ryan to compromise and find bi-partisan solutions?  They’re supposed to be all about that, right?

On the contrary, Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid won’t even allow a vote in the Senate on any budget passed in the House, because he knows they have a good chance of passing in the Senate, even under a Democrat majority.

Talk about the “Party of NO”.

Yes, the Democrats are terrified of the Ryan budget proposals, even though it would be Romney’s proposals taking the lead in a Romney/Ryan administration.  But what terrifies them even more is the contrast of a sensible, intelligent Ryan to the senseless, unintelligible Biden that will become more apparent the closer we get to November, despite the media’s efforts to hide it.

Who would be a better leader for our country?

Democrats don’t want Americans asking that question.

Axelrod Goes “All-in”

In a couple of my recent pieces, I outlined how the Obama campaign is becoming more desperate, and why.  They’ve stooped to having allies make ridiculous and laughable claims, but they don’t care if people are laughing, because that is of no consequence to them.  The claims, no matter how ludicrous, may still achieve the goals they desire.

But now they’ve lowered the bar even deeper into the mud.

This guy’s horrible comb-over symbolizes his horrible brand of politics.

Having Harry Reid make obviously false claims about Romney’s taxes hasn’t had the effect of forcing Romney to release more tax returns (yet), and the Obama campaign is turning its sights elsewhere.

Over the last few days, Obama himself has taken to making the claim that Romney intends to raise taxes on the middle class, a patently false claim no matter how you look at it.  When asked about this claim, Democrats prevaricate and stumble on about how refusing to raise taxes on the evil rich people (read: small business owners and job creators) is somehow a tax increase on the middle class.

But their devout sycophants will willingly spread the lie, and many people who don’t keep their eye on the ball will probably believe them.  That, my friends, is the reality of politics.  The Obama campaign is banking on the notion that those people who are currently on the fence won’t be doing a lot of fact-checking before they vote.

And it appears that they are willing to go “all-in” on that strategy.

Draw and STRIKE!

In an article appearing in Draw and STRIKE!, author Brian Cates illustrates just how feckless the Obama campaign has become in its quest to retain power.  I highly recommend that every conservative read his piece, and spread it as much as humanly possible.

David Axelrod has always used a strategy of exposing dirt on Obama’s opponents in the past.  His modus operandi often consists of getting a sympathetic Chicago judge to unseal an opponent’s divorce records, since wild, unsubstantiated claims made during divorce proceedings are often very damaging to any political candidate, no matter how false they may be.

In 2008, Axelrod did much the same thing.  He attacked McCain’s previous marriage and even went so far as to circulate rumors that Sarah Palin secretly gave birth to her own grandson.  That, coupled with the blank slate that was Obama, allowed them to run on “Hope and Change” while still using amazingly crass tactics to debase their opponents.

But Obama is not a blank slate to the American public anymore, and “Hope and Change” is off of the table for Axelrod.  Worse yet (for him), Axelrod can’t attack Romney’s very solid marriage.  He just can’t get the dirt he needs for his scorched earth strategy.

So just what is a wayward campaign manager to do..?

Apparently Axelrod has arrived at his conclusion…  Lie.

Lie big.  Lie some more.  No lie is too big or too ridiculous.  They believe that anyone paying enough attention to matter has already decided how they will cast their vote.  Those remaining are all potential suckers.

I won’t go too far into Cates’ piece here; it speaks for itself.  Some news outlets have reported this, but we all know most of them will turn a blind eye.  I suggest for everyone to spread this particular message far and wide.

Because otherwise, a lot of people will believe the lies.

Reid Takes a Bullet Full of Crazy for Obama and DNC

It has been an interesting week in the world of Politics.

Again, I could do with seeing less of this guy.

“Dirty” Harry Reid, the Senate Leader from Nevada, has come out to accuse presidential contender Mitt Romney of failing to file tax returns for ten years.  Oh, the joy he brings to a political pundit and strategist like me!

Reid makes these accusations based upon an obviously solid “source”…  himself!

Nevermind that the IRS, currently under control of the Obama administration, has never found fault with Romney.  Nevermind that Romney has released more tax returns than Reid (who has released exactly zero).  I delight in the irony of such an accusation coming from someone who lives in the Ritz Carlton, has dubious connections to organized crime in Nevada, and got very rich shortly after becoming a Senator, even though a Senator’s salary really isn’t all that high.

Senate Leader Whackadoodle just keeps on giving.

But Harry Reid doesn’t care what anyone thinks about him.  Obviously, he couldn’t care less what conservatives think, but he doesn’t care what other liberals think, or what the media thinks, either…  at least not right now.

That is because Harry Reid got re-elected in 2010 and he has another four years before he has to care what anyone thinks of him.  By then, everyone is sure to have forgotten this.

But even Reid himself is highly unlikely to believe his own story.  So, why make it all up?

As I pointed out in my article yesterday, the Obama campaign is desperate to dig up some dirt on the squeaky clean (for a politician, anyway) Mitt Romney.  Everything they have tried to use against Romney has fallen flat, and they’re out of ideas.  They need more dirt, so they have turned to Romney and they’re practically begging for his help.  But that rat bastard Romney just won’t budge!  How dare he..?

So far, the Democrats have tried everything they can think of to get Romney to help them, and none of it is getting enough traction in the press to force Romney’s hand.

Enter Harry Reid.

Obama and the DNC needed someone to escalate things into the realm of crazypants, and Reid fit the bill.  He’s perfect for the job.

The only thing Reid has to lose right now is his position as Majority Leader in the Senate, and he stands a much greater chance of holding on to that job if Obama gets re-elected.  As the Senate Majority Leader, the media is obligated to give him coverage, which spreads the lie almost as well as if Obama himself were to say it.  Reid can feel safe making the accusation from the Senate floor, because doing so gives him legal immunity from being taken to court for anything that he says, and Reid is bulletproof electorally.


Now DNC operatives and liberal pundits are free to distance themselves from Reid publicly, while rushing to the airwaves to claim that “Romney can clear all of this up by just releasing more tax returns”, which has been their goal all along.

While it is typical of the liberal mindset that the accused must prove himself innocent rather than the accuser proving guilt (at least when it comes to Republicans), that isn’t really something upon which anyone should focus.

The real thing of interest to a pundit like me is that the liberal sharks don’t smell any blood in the waters.  They really WANT to smell it, but they don’t…

They’re being denied their feeding frenzy, and it is making them slowly go insane (well, okay… more insane).

Expect them to get crazier as we get closer to November!

Someone pass the popcorn…

Tax Cut War Goes Beyond Obama’s Rhetoric

Friends, I am very tired.

Tired in the sense that I am sick of liberal crap enough to want to strangle every single last one of them.

President Bush signed tax cuts in 2001 and 2003

What set me over the edge (this time)?  Believe it or not, it is the subject of the “Bush Tax Cuts”.  I weary of this battle, which is perhaps exactly the way liberals want us all to feel.  But I am not weary in the sense that they had probably hoped.

Every year or two, we are drawn back into the same old debate that should have been settled nearly a decade ago.  It isn’t the debate itself that irritates me so much as the reason for having it.  I also grate at the so-called mainstream media, who portray the issue as “tax cuts for the rich” every year, instead of what it truly is; liberal Democrats pushing for tax hikes on a full-time basis.  What further annoys me is the new liberal strategy of declaring that we should all join together to pass the parts upon which we agree, and fight over our differences later.  Like every liberal position and talking point, it sounds great on a superficial level, but in translation it amounts to “give us everything we want and we’ll just sit back and ignore you later”.

The problem is this:  Every since the original legislation was passed, Democrats who vote for–or refrain from blocking a vote on–the bill will do so only on the condition that it never becomes permanent.  Their reason for doing this is far more maddening.  It isn’t because they truly believe that the legislation is bad, or they would never have voted for it in the first place.  The real reason is that liberals and their media lap-dogs believe that they have discovered a shiny, brand new way to deceive the American public.

Throughout their entire history, the Democrats have had the desire to raise taxes and expand government.  Thus, the term “tax and spend” has haunted them, especially during election years.  Unfortunately, early in George W. Bush’s first term, the Democrats found a way to remove that stigma from themselves, and the Republicans unwittingly abetted them.

Conservatives can make the argument every time that we are not actually debating tax cuts, and the failure to extend the Bush legislation would actually amount to a massive tax increase.  However, I fear that this argument is largely lost on the American public, who are more likely to see the battle every year as one being fought over tax cuts, like the media constantly tells them.

Now every year, instead of Democrats being correctly pilloried for their constant desire to increase taxes, they are free to portray themselves as champions of the poor and the middle class, while demonizing conservatives as being beholden to those evil rich.  It a cynical ploy on the instinctive human nature, to which all of us are susceptible, for people to envy those more successful than themselves;  Class warfare.

So, what do we do about it?

There are only three paths:

1.  Make the original legislation permanent

2.  Allow the tax cuts to expire completely

3.  Give the Democrats what they claim to want

The second one is off the table entirely.  It would be a public relations disaster for Republicans, but it would also be a disaster for the American public, which is far more important.  Still, the political implications are sad, because if it had been left to Democrats, none of these cuts would ever have existed, and it is only because of the Democrats that the legislation is at risk of expiring.  But the Republicans would be the ones blamed if such a thing were actually to come to pass.

The third option is off the table largely for the same reasons as the second.  While the Republicans are far less likely to face negative political consequences in this scenario, the damage to the American economy would still be devastating.  Even the most squishy Republicans would not allow this to happen, and, oddly enough, they would likely be joined by at least a few Democrats to prevent it, despite the rhetoric coming from the DNC and President Obama.

That leaves only the first option, but how do we make it happen?

I could do with seeing less of this guy.

Well, that’s the real trick, isn’t it?  Obviously, it could never happen with Obama in the White House, and so he must go.  It also could never happen with Harry Reid leading the Senate, and so conservatives must turn out in record numbers this year to take the Senate back from the Democrats.  Large as they may seem, these are not the biggest obstacles to the goal of making permanent the Bush legislation.

Even if we take back the Senate, we will almost certainly not be able to obtain a 60-vote majority.  Unfortunately, the Democrats that would be likely to join us in avoiding a massive tax hike on those evil rich people who run small businesses across the country would be just as likely to balk at the notion of making things permanent.  They’re not likely to easily let go of their pretty new political toy.  They would try to block any effort to take their toy away from them, even to the point of filibuster.

In order to get this done, we must make the notion of temporary extensions politically toxic in such a way as to prevent liberals from blocking a vote to make this legislation permanent.  That isn’t going to be easy, but I believe that it can be done.

We all know President Obama is only bringing up the matter of taxes to avoid having to address his horrible performance on the economy.  It’s just his latest in a long line of distractions.  The issue isn’t really on the table until after the elections, anyway–during the lame-duck session.

But the time to start our drum beat is still NOW.  We need to use the opening he provided us to hammer the point home, over and over, that the uncertainty caused by the constant debate over this legislation is having an extremely negative effect on our economy.  This has the virtue of being true.  I believe it will resonate, and should be repeated as often as possible.

Assuming we do take back the White House and the Senate, we must aggressively take this battle to the Democrats during the lame-duck session of Congress.  We must demand that these cuts finally be made permanent, and refuse to budge.  If the Democrats still won’t give in, then we should threaten to let the entire legislation expire, and inform the American public that we will reinstate it once our newly elected representatives are seated.  That would still be time enough to prevent a tax hike from effecting the American people in April.

My friends, it is time to reverse the roles here.  It is time for us to put the Democrats in the position that they should rightfully hold; that of being in favor of raising taxes on everyone.  We must put them on the defensive.

Do Republicans have the strength of will to act this aggressively?

I honestly do not know.

But they are our only chance to take this fight to the Democrat’s doorstep.

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