Dropping pebbles of thought into our conservative echo-chamber

Posts tagged ‘policy’

Crazy Uncle Joe Strikes Again!

Vice President Joe Biden is a walking, talking gaffe machine on steroids.

Liberals love “Uncle Joe”.

The President of our Senate literally does nothing more than run around the country saying stupid things.  That is his entire job, and he does it well.

For the life of me, I can not think of a single thing that this man has accomplished in his entire career.  And no, liberals, managing to get himself re-elected to the Senate a number of times doesn’t count as an accomplishment, as much as you may think that getting elected is all that matters.

I’m beginning to think that Obama may indeed be a brilliant strategist.  He knew that his policies would go over like a stone for most people, and he needed insurance against getting impeached.

Enter Joe Biden.

No one wants to see that guy become President of anything.

That the media consistently sweeps under the rug the rantings of good old “Uncle Joe” is proof enough of their extreme bias.  But Biden’s latest trip into brain-addled psychedelia crosses lines, even for him.

In front of a small crowd in North Carolina, Biden made some of the most heinous remarks I’ve heard yet, and I hope that at least some people in the media call him out for them.  I’m not even going to quote him.  You really just need to watch it for yourself.  It’s short.


I’m not even sure to start with this one, but I may actually be more frightened of the people fawning in the background with their glassy eyes and painted smiles, dutifully and mechanically slapping their hands together in response to a statement that anyone with even a modicum of intelligence would reject instantly.

The fact that Joe Biden feels comfortable enough to bring up Paul Ryan’s deceased father says it all.  He knows he won’t be called on it, despicable as it may be.  Ryan’s father died when he was fifteen years old.  That should be off-limits for any politician.  But the Democrats have no class whatsoever, and the double-standard in play allows them to get personal in the ugliest of ways, while the media happily goes along with their narrative that Republicans are equally ugly for daring to talk about the actual policies of this president.

But “Show me your budget”..?

Really, Joe..?!

How insane is that?

So, by your own standards, Joe, since you have no budget, you have no values at all..?

That one I can buy.

Even assuming that Biden had anything at all to do with the Obama budget proposals, which is unlikely, those budgets failed to get a single vote even from Democrats in the Senate, much less Republicans.  Given the disastrous end to his budget proposals, Obama might actually be considering giving Biden the credit for them.

Biden, as President of the Senate, has not seen a budget passed in three years, despite the fact that the Constitution requires one to be passed.  Apart from Obama’s laughable efforts, the Democrats haven’t even bothered to propose a budget, at all.

But Paul Ryan has, and the Democrats are terrified of it.

Did the Democrats work with Ryan to compromise and find bi-partisan solutions?  They’re supposed to be all about that, right?

On the contrary, Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid won’t even allow a vote in the Senate on any budget passed in the House, because he knows they have a good chance of passing in the Senate, even under a Democrat majority.

Talk about the “Party of NO”.

Yes, the Democrats are terrified of the Ryan budget proposals, even though it would be Romney’s proposals taking the lead in a Romney/Ryan administration.  But what terrifies them even more is the contrast of a sensible, intelligent Ryan to the senseless, unintelligible Biden that will become more apparent the closer we get to November, despite the media’s efforts to hide it.

Who would be a better leader for our country?

Democrats don’t want Americans asking that question.

Obama Chokes on Chick-Fil-A

I absolutely love Chick-Fil-A.

My original affection for the fast food chain has little to do with the recent controversy centered around the topic of traditional marriage.  We don’t have many of them in my area, so it is a treat when I get to eat there.  The food is always great, and I’m a huge fan of waffle fries..!

Yes, I am a life-long fast food junkie, and since Chick-Fil-A is rarely available to me, it has always been elevated a little higher than the other chains I frequent.

This recent controversy just elevates them higher in my eyes.  They handled the entire situation wonderfully, with grace.  By all accounts (including my own) people who went to support them during the height of all of the drama had a very pleasant experience.  The planned boycott and protests against them fizzled.  Angry activists were greeted with the same warm kindness and service standards set for those who came in support.

Now, according to Scott Rasmussen, 61% of people hold a favorable opinion of Chick-Fil-A.

That’s bad for Barack Obama.

Obama’s former Chief of Staff and current Mayor of Chicago Rahm Emanuel was clearly on the wrong side of this debate when he sought to deny the right of Chick-Fil-A to operate in “his” city.  It’s no stretch at all to see that Obama and Emanuel have very similar ideologies, or to think that Obama would have held the same position in Emanuel’s place.

Now, I am not naive enough to think that all of those people who see Chick-Fil-A in a positive light are opposed to homosexual marriage, but it is likely that most of them are.  Given Obama’s recent flip-flop of his past flip-flop-flippity-flopping on the issue, this does not bode well for him.  Because Obama has changed his position so many times, he loses a good deal of credibility.  Moreover, his switch in position came at a time when the LGBT community was threatening to withhold campaign donations from him; a very crass and cynical political move.  Nevermind that Obama isn’t proposing any actual policy change, or the fact that he was only paying lip-service to the LGBT community.

The real problem for Obama is that same-sex marriage has lost every time the people are allowed to vote on the issue, despite polling that would have indicated otherwise.

The Obama campaign is reading its own polls, and they’re believing them.

If we were to take polling at face value, along with exit polling, we would have had Presidents Al Gore and John Kerry, and there would have been no overwhelming Republican sweep of congress in 2010.  Most pollsters today care less about accuracy and more about propaganda.  The polls are crafted as a means to sway opinion rather than to gauge it.  They stack the deck by over-sampling Democrats, and by polling all registered voters instead of restricting themselves to those who are likely to vote.  Sometimes they don’t even bother to try to keep things that accurate;  they poll anyone, registered to vote, or not.

The fact that Obama “came out” in support of same-sex marriage indicates two things;  he was desperate for campaign cash, and his handlers are buying into their own polling.  That’s dangerous ground upon which to tread.

That so many people approve of Chick-Fil-A in the wake of what the media so desperately hoped would be a giant scandal can only be a bad thing for Obama.

Resenting Paul Ryan

I’ve been feeling pretty old lately.  Whiny and narcissistic maybe, but old just the same.  My body has taken a pretty bad beating over the years, but I am still young enough to remember how it felt off the showroom floor.  I’m going back to college late in life, and most of the people there are much younger than I am.

I feel old.

Paul Ryan has been confirmed as Mitt Romney’s Vice Presidential pick this morning, and everyone is talking about how young and energetic he is.

Could he be TOO young, they wonder..?

At 42, Paul Ryan is slightly older than I am.

Yeah…  I’m hating THAT guy..!

Wisconsin Representative and Vice Presidential Nominee Paul Ryan

But all jokes aside, everyone is wondering this morning how this will affect the Romney campaign, and the pundit in me is no different.

Politically, this is easy.  Ryan is a heavy-hitter in the House of Representatives.  So influential, in fact, that many pundits like me wondered aloud over the last few weeks if it would be detrimental to the party as a whole to take him away from that position.

Looking back, that was perhaps a foolish argument.  The House is in no real danger of falling to the Democrats, even if Ryan’s Wisconsin seat is lost to them, which is by no means a fait accompli.  Ryan would still be in a position to hold great influence in the House, while at the same time he would become President of the Senate, even if the position exists historically as a tie-breaker.

A policy wonk like Ryan would utilize the Vice Presidency like none before him.

This move also sets up the Romney campaign in a positive way.  It allows them to hit Obama/Biden on a policy level with a great deal of credibility; something they have otherwise failed to accomplish.  Obama won’t want to go toe-to-toe with Ryan in a policy debate, and he sure isn’t going to want Joe Biden to do it!

Expect Obama’s campaign to go even more negative, which leads me to my only real concern about Ryan’s VP nod:

Ryan has already been demonized in the media.  They REALLY don’t like him.  I suspect that they will resent the fact that they can not call him stupid, as they have with pretty much every Republican in my lifetime, including Ronald Reagan.  But they have already had some success at portraying Ryan as a heartless Republican throwing Grandma down the stairs.

I have to wonder, with Romney’s negatives at this point, if another guy with similar issues was the way to go.  I hate to bring race into it, but we all know that the Democrats will, so…  Now we have two “rich white guys who hate minorities and want to take the goodie bags away from those poor people Obama shelters with such loving care”.

That makes me a bit antsy.  It also makes me nauseous just having typed it.

The media won’t have a choice but to talk about how serious a choice this is, and that will give off a lot of credibility going in, but how long will it take before they flip the switch and go full negative..?

We have to be ready for that.


EDIT:  Ryan himself is already proving that he will indeed be ready!  What a great choice for VP!  The rest of us need to be ready, too!  I couldn’t be more excited…

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