Dropping pebbles of thought into our conservative echo-chamber

Posts tagged ‘all politics are local’

Why Obama is So Desperate

Mitt Romney has released tax returns, but you wouldn’t know it by listening to Democrats and the lap-dog media.

I’m really starting to like this guy!

They constantly pretend as though he hasn’t released any at all, and this, of course, means that Mitt must have something to hide!  It is a catch-22 setup that was meant to destroy Romney’s character.  The Democrats didn’t find anything they could really use in the returns that Romney has already released, so now they are demanding more.  But it isn’t working.

Romney is smartly sticking to his guns in the face of the Democrat’s demands, lies in the media, and even some establishment Republicans saying that he should cave (which just makes me want to slap the hell out of every single last one of them).  But if he were to give in, the Democrats would only scour whatever material Romney released for as much dirt as they could find, and if they didn’t really find any, they’d misrepresent the information, much as they are doing with the returns that Romney has already released.

The problem for the Democrats is that their current misrepresentations haven’t gained any real traction, even in the media that supports them with devotion.

Why is this such a huge problem?

Well, as Ann Coulter rightly pointed out in her recent article, Barack Obama has never won an election without waging a campaign of character assassination.

Not one single time.

Unfortunately, for Democrats, they have expended their entire arsenal trying to kill Romney’s character, and now they’re begging Romney to give them more ammunition.  He is right to refuse.  Even if he released five years of returns, they would demand ten years worth and then wonder (as loudly as they could and to anyone who would listen) what Romney supposedly has to hide.

Romney has frustrated the Democrats in this so much that Senate Leader Harry Reid even took to the Senate floor with wild claims that Romney never payed his taxes at all for ten years. The DNC and Reid are so out of touch that they believed this move would spur Romney into giving in to their demands.

Instead, people are laughing and shaking their heads in bewilderment, and Romney still holds firm.  You guys, I am really starting to warm up to Mitt Romney!

Reid’s “unsourced” accusations could easily have landed him in court had he made them any other place but the floor of the Senate, where anything may be said without penalty. My friends, that is how desperate the Democrats have become.

This entire episode with Romney’s tax returns was never primarily about creating a distraction from Obama’s poor performance on the economy, although it does serve that dual purpose. David Axelrod and company have known since Obama’s earliest days in Chicago that their guy is a loser, and that their only winning strategy is to turn their opponents into even bigger losers in the eyes of the public.

It is literally the only strategy that they have ever used.

They tried the Mormon thing…  It didn’t work.
They tried dog stories…  They backfired (Obama eats dog!)
They tried Romneycare…  Not working.
They pushed the “War on Women” narrative…  One of their own operatives killed it.
They tried attacking him for his work at Bain Capital…  That didn’t work, either.
They tried lying about when Romney was actively involved in Bain…  No dice.

Mitt and Ann Romney

They have even tried attacking Ann Romney for, of all things, her horseback riding and entering a show horse in the Olympics… Now THAT is desperate.

I’ve probably missed a few things, but the point is that none of the poo the Democrats are flinging is sticking to the wall.  Their desperation has led them to make laughable accusations, but recently it has morphed into something far more sinister…

In one of their riskiest moves yet, which I believe will backfire on them, they have stooped so low as to attempt to reduce the number of days that members of the military may vote in Ohio.

Yeah, like THAT’S not going to piss anyone off!

They rightfully believe that they own most of the media, and hope that their heinous actions won’t get reported enough to matter.  But they are so smug in that belief that they have forgotten an age-old rule of politics; all politics are local.

The members of our military certainly won’t take this lying down, and they have families who will be very vocal about it, too.  The local media isn’t likely to be able to ignore the story.  You can bet that Ohio’s Republican governor, John Kasich, isn’t going to be silent.

Making this notion of theirs public was an extreme miscalculation on the part of the Obama campaign, even if they end up backing down from it.

But desperation leads to unforced errors… often in direct proportion.

And Obama is very, very desperate.



Edit:  Due to Deborah’s comment below, I have had to revisit the Ohio lawsuit.  I apologize to readers for any confusion.  Unfortunately, there seems to have been some confusion about this in the major media, as well.

After having read from several different sources,  it appears that the Democrats are suing to block a new law from going into effect.  That part in my piece is accurate.  The confusion stems from the fact that this has been reported in different ways by different news outlets, and some of the outlets even contradict themselves.  Some outlets portray the law as adding three extra days for the military to vote.  Other outlets portray the law as having reduced the number of early voting by three days for everyone except for the military.  Oddly enough, some stories I read gave BOTH impressions.

The justification for reducing the early voting by three days is said to be that it would reduce out-of-control costs and the possibility of fraud.  Knowing how Mickey Mouse and Dick Tracy registered to vote in my former home state, I would agree that fraud is an issue.  However, I do not see how such a move would reduce costs if the polls must remain open for service members, nor do I see how reducing the number of days to vote effectively reduces fraud.  In such a case, I would have to reluctantly agree with the Democrats that this law would be pointless.

Either way, it is damned dangerous to mess with the military vote.  It could be much less dangerous for Obama than how I positioned it in my story, but dangerous all the same.  They must really feel like they will be in deep trouble there to take such a risk for a mere three days.

Since the lawsuit itself was not the main focus of this article, I failed to adequately research it for this opinion piece.  For that, I deeply apologize.

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