Dropping pebbles of thought into our conservative echo-chamber

Posts tagged ‘KKK’

Nothing Right-wing About Neo-Nazis

In the wake of the recent Wisconsin Sikh Temple shootings, the airwaves were filled with so-called journalists rushing to the air to proclaim that the shooter was a “far-right extremist” and a white supremacist.  Something that troubled me about this initial rush was that it was based upon information from the Southern Poverty Law Center (SPLC) which should never be taken at its word for anything.  But there I was, watching as even Fox News jumped on to their bandwagon.

In this case, I would have to say that the SPLC was right.  This guy does appear to have been a white supremacist and a Neo-Nazi loon.   But it still troubles me that sensationalism takes precedence over all else, especially after we’ve seen what can happen when people like ABC’s Brian Ross rush to the air with information they haven’t bothered to verify.

And now we all get to hear how this guy was supposedly a right-winger.

Well, what was right-wing about him?

The original Nazi movement certainly wasn’t right-wing.  Far from it.  Every aspect of that old and thankfully dead movement holds common hallmarks with the modern left.

So, what is new, or “neo”, about the skinheads that makes them right-wingers?

About the only thing I can see in common is that they like guns.  But then, socialist dictators on the left LOVE guns, as long as they’re the ones holding them.

For the life of me I can not think of a single other thing that these people have in common with the American right at any moment in our history.

For people to assume it is so would be the result of left-wing propaganda that dictates that only white people are racist and all racists are right-wingers.  That’s the lie told often enough that it has become accepted as so-called common knowledge.  The American left learned much from Goebbels, it seems.

But the American right did not create the KKK that these Neo-Nazi freaks call brothers.  The left did that.  The left to this day works to segregate people by race, and has done so throughout their entire history.  Keeping people from actually joining into the American melting pot is the only thing that allows them to retain any power.

This needs to be challenged when it happens, and it dismays me that no one in the media raised any objections, apart from some that I saw on Fox News’ The Five, when Bob Beckel started in on how this shooter was a right-winger, and the other hosts objected to his characterization.

We have got to stand against this kind of thing more vociferously, because letting the charge go by without challenge is to confirm its validity in the minds of the public.

That’s just unacceptable.

A Plea To Minorities Everywhere

Yes, I am white…  and if skin color is the first thing that you see in everyone, you can stop reading now, because you wouldn’t understand what I am about to say, anyway.

Or, if you can get past that, please give a moment to think about this:

Which party continually seeks to define people by the color of their skin?

The late Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr.

Was that Martin Luther King, Jr.’s vision?

Or, did King dream that people would be defined by the content of their character?

There is a party out there seeking to keep minorities separate from the great melting pot that is the United States of America, and it isn’t the Republicans.  If one thinks about it, it has always been the Democrats that want people to make a little check mark in the category of “race”.  There is a damned good reason for that.  It makes it easier for them to put everyone in a neat little box, and play them all against each other.

There are many conservative minorities, and their numbers are growing.  They aren’t the ones to be compared to Uncle Tom, living in the “master’s house”.  Far from it.  A far closer analogy to them would be the free men, escaped from the shackles of the plantation.

Dr. Thomas Sowell

Brilliant men like King and Thomas Sowell, and members of a newer generation like Alfonzo Rachel..?  Those guys aren’t the kind to be told what to think.  They’re LEADERS… and there are many more like them.

These leaders inspire awe in every conservative from every background, because we have never cared about their skin color, and we never will.  We care only about the strength in their hearts; something they’ve never failed to show in abundance.  The points they make are timeless, and undeniable.

How many years…  decades… have predominately minority neighborhoods been run solely by Democrats, and how well is that really working out?  Shouldn’t that alone be proof enough that they don’t care about anything but the minority vote?

AlfonZo Rachel

They only show up at election time.

Everyone knows that the Democrats created the Ku Klux Klan to terrorize minority communities.  But then, aren’t the Democrats telling us all that there was a major party shift and that all of the racists ran to the Republican Party?  Did Byrd change parties?  Did Al Gore, Sr. become a Republican?


The truth is that the racists were marginalized out of any real power, and those that did retain power were mostly Democrats who held onto it by appearing to be contrite and apologizing for their sins.  I’m not proud that Thurmond became a Republican, but that is truly the exception that proves the rule.  The KKK hated Republicans even more than they hated black people.  The Republicans were built specifically to fight the racist machine.  What’s the likelihood of all of those racists getting mad at the Democrats and then running out to vote for the people they hated most?


But those old guys are gone.

Still, there really was a major political shift that happened back then.  It was the ONE thing that changed within the Democrat Party over the last one-hundred years:

Back then the Democrats exploited racial tensions by stoking white fear of minorities.  Now they exploit those same tensions by stoking minority fear of whites.

But either way, the Democrats have ALWAYS sought to exploit racial tension for their own political gain.  It is the hallmark of their entire history, and that is why Republicans have always opposed them.

Join us.  Or at least come see for yourself.  We aren’t your true enemies…

And we never were.

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