Dropping pebbles of thought into our conservative echo-chamber

Posts tagged ‘breast feeding’

Bloomberg Has Lost His Mind

New York City Mayor Michael Bloomberg has become the shining example of the reasons why we should never allow nanny-state politicians even the smallest measure of power.

Mayor Michael “Nanny” Bloomberg

From restricting the size of your soft drinks, to his inane comments on gun control, Bloomberg has typified the politicians that feel they have nothing better to do than to tell you how to live your life.  But he takes it to a whole new level…

Because none of his nanny policies make even a bit of sense.

I don’t like Michelle Obama going around the country telling us what to eat, because it isn’t her place to do that.  But at least she makes a good point; I can’t deny that my own diet is pretty poor.  However, Bloomberg’s policies are far worse, and he is actually in a position to make them law.

I don’t want to go too far into the policies I mentioned earlier except to say that nothing prevents someone from buying two 16-ounce soft drinks if they want more soda, and nobody really wants to hear a lecture about gun control policies from a man in charge of a city with an extremely high murder rate.

I’d rather focus on the latest adventures of Nanny Bloomberg.

Apparently, he has decided that he knows better than mothers how to feed their children.  He’s locking up the formula and hiding the key in the hopes that it will coerce more women to breast feed.  Sounds like something worthy of the full concentration of the mayor of one of our largest cities, right?

According to a story by Neil Munro of The Daily Caller (sorry, Neil, I didn’t set out to co-opt your work two times in one day, but I just can’t help it!) as of September 2nd, city hospitals will be required to hide the formula and encourage mothers to breast feed their newborns.  Hopefully, this policy stops at some point prior to the child entering high school.

Predictably, the reaction has been less than favorable.  Even breast-feeding advocates are shaking their heads.  But what are they going to do about it?  Probably nothing, except for maybe shooting off a few words to the comments section of The New York Times.  Like every other crazy policy in New York, it will go into effect and the people will come to accept it as part of the absurdity of life in the big city.  The politicians they elect will just move on to produce the next episode of “insane pet projects“.

Sorry New York liberals, you elected this guy and now you’re stuck with him.

Please don’t ever send him to Washington, DC.

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