Dropping pebbles of thought into our conservative echo-chamber

Posts tagged ‘Nevada’

Reid Takes a Bullet Full of Crazy for Obama and DNC

It has been an interesting week in the world of Politics.

Again, I could do with seeing less of this guy.

“Dirty” Harry Reid, the Senate Leader from Nevada, has come out to accuse presidential contender Mitt Romney of failing to file tax returns for ten years.  Oh, the joy he brings to a political pundit and strategist like me!

Reid makes these accusations based upon an obviously solid “source”…  himself!

Nevermind that the IRS, currently under control of the Obama administration, has never found fault with Romney.  Nevermind that Romney has released more tax returns than Reid (who has released exactly zero).  I delight in the irony of such an accusation coming from someone who lives in the Ritz Carlton, has dubious connections to organized crime in Nevada, and got very rich shortly after becoming a Senator, even though a Senator’s salary really isn’t all that high.

Senate Leader Whackadoodle just keeps on giving.

But Harry Reid doesn’t care what anyone thinks about him.  Obviously, he couldn’t care less what conservatives think, but he doesn’t care what other liberals think, or what the media thinks, either…  at least not right now.

That is because Harry Reid got re-elected in 2010 and he has another four years before he has to care what anyone thinks of him.  By then, everyone is sure to have forgotten this.

But even Reid himself is highly unlikely to believe his own story.  So, why make it all up?

As I pointed out in my article yesterday, the Obama campaign is desperate to dig up some dirt on the squeaky clean (for a politician, anyway) Mitt Romney.  Everything they have tried to use against Romney has fallen flat, and they’re out of ideas.  They need more dirt, so they have turned to Romney and they’re practically begging for his help.  But that rat bastard Romney just won’t budge!  How dare he..?

So far, the Democrats have tried everything they can think of to get Romney to help them, and none of it is getting enough traction in the press to force Romney’s hand.

Enter Harry Reid.

Obama and the DNC needed someone to escalate things into the realm of crazypants, and Reid fit the bill.  He’s perfect for the job.

The only thing Reid has to lose right now is his position as Majority Leader in the Senate, and he stands a much greater chance of holding on to that job if Obama gets re-elected.  As the Senate Majority Leader, the media is obligated to give him coverage, which spreads the lie almost as well as if Obama himself were to say it.  Reid can feel safe making the accusation from the Senate floor, because doing so gives him legal immunity from being taken to court for anything that he says, and Reid is bulletproof electorally.


Now DNC operatives and liberal pundits are free to distance themselves from Reid publicly, while rushing to the airwaves to claim that “Romney can clear all of this up by just releasing more tax returns”, which has been their goal all along.

While it is typical of the liberal mindset that the accused must prove himself innocent rather than the accuser proving guilt (at least when it comes to Republicans), that isn’t really something upon which anyone should focus.

The real thing of interest to a pundit like me is that the liberal sharks don’t smell any blood in the waters.  They really WANT to smell it, but they don’t…

They’re being denied their feeding frenzy, and it is making them slowly go insane (well, okay… more insane).

Expect them to get crazier as we get closer to November!

Someone pass the popcorn…

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